Merpati Putih |
Who should read this page?
You're considering Vibravision training |
Here is a list of some of the caveats of Vibravision (VV),
As seen by the author of this web site --
The veracity of VV may still be undetermined.That guessing the correct time and the ability to visualize a clock is due to VV training,
that the vibrations of atoms and subatomic vibrations can be sensed ,
that the claim, "As science knows, all matter is comprised of energy..." negates Einstein's famous formula,
that atomic vibrations can be sensed by humans,
that sub-atomic vibrations can be sensed by human sense organs,
that the color blue is sensed differently by VV, with scientific basis,
the claim that video footage from the $1M test shows application of alcohol to the eye slit and tear ducts of the claimants,
Merpati Putih - Vibravision (MP/VV) grandmasters did not know of the effect of altitude on VV ability,
the lack of verified testimonials of the efficacy of VV,
the claim that a blind person's ability to ride a bicycle on a stage is due to VV, training,
that breaking brittle steel, such as files is an extraordinary ability due to VV training,
that it is possible to detect alpha particles, beta particles, gamma particles, and radioactivity trough VV/MP,
that Vibravision has been used in the training of over 700 blind, persons in Indonesia...persons who are now self-sufficient with no need for canes of seeing-eye dogs,
that VV, once learned by blind people so that they could see again, would give up or forget the VV ability.
that this VV needed to be kept secret for 450 years,
that the 4 ophthalmologists mentioned were qualified to ascertain the veracity of VV by merely observing the "athletes" perform under uncontrolled conditions,
VV was tested under scientifically controlled conditions, and findings show no efficacy was found,
An Histogram of the colors displayed vs. the colors selected:
The same data as above, presentedin tabular form.
In the test of VV abilities, the two most frequent colors, randomly displayed, was YEL(5) and RED (4)
The most frequently selected colors were BLU(4) and GRN (4):
Displayed | Selected | ||
BLK | 2 | BLK | 3 |
BLU | 3 | BLU | 4 |
GRN | 2 | GRN | 4 |
RED | 4 | RED | 1 |
WHT | 3 | WHT | 4 |
YEL | 5 | YEL | 2 |
In this test the selection of colors by VV practitioners turned out to be no
better than random guessing.